Stord High School: Cracking the VR Code for Effective Adult Education

Teachers are Crucial Teacher engagement, as mentioned, is a crucial factor in leveraging the innovation. Throughout the project, teachers have experimented with and provided feedback on VR training. They mentioned the following about VR training: "I want to use and develop applications in everyday school life. Getting hands-on training in relevant patient situations before going into practice." "I think VR goggles are an important supplement for students, as students learn in different ways, and I believe VR technology appeals to the curiosity of many students."

Stord High School
Stord High School

The implementation of VR has made the teaching more interesting and enjoyable to participate in, and the feedback from school community has been very positive


  • Implemented VR Training
    • Engagement from teachers to make use of the equipmentt
  • Benefits and Gains
    • Teaching becomes more interesting and fun to learn
    • Great tool for group work
  • Key Success Factors
    • Good routines for equipment usage
    • Frequent and regular use of the equipment
    • Thorough implementation plan


Stord High School is a forward-thinking institution using new technology to educate future healthcare professionals. The school utilizes CTD Health to introduce and provide hands-on training in medical procedures, communication, and collaboration for adult education students. Students practice both individually and in groups. The use of VR for training has been well-received by both students and teachers. Below is a quote from a student:

"VR makes the teaching more interesting and fun to learn. It's a great way to build relationships with others and promote collaboration when working on group tasks."


Stord High School recently conducted a project exploring the possibility of using VR for training. In the project, they identified crucial factors for leveraging the innovation. They have experienced the following:

  • Good routines for VR usage, such as storage, charging, cleaning, and updating VR goggles, are essential.
  • Frequent use of VR is crucial for learning. Students need time to become familiar with the technology and require user support initially. As they learn, gain confidence, and master the technology, they can help each other.
  • VR training sessions should not be too long. It's better to use the technology frequently in shorter sessions.
  • VR xpands opportunities for collaboration across borders.
  • Teachers must recognize the benefits of VR training and be familiar with the technology, as they are the ones incorporating it into their teaching.


Teacher engagement, as mentioned, is a crucial factor in leveraging the innovation. Throughout the project, teachers have experimented with and provided feedback on VR training. They mentioned the following about VR training:

"I want to use and develop applications in everyday school life. Getting hands-on training in relevant patient situations before going into practice."

"I think VR goggles are an important supplement for students, as students learn in different ways, and I believe VR technology appeals to the curiosity of many students."